Hello!!, well this is my mathblog, hope you like it =P

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007


4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
*The rate method. Measuring the change produced by a process which takes place at aknown rate which was either initiated or stopped by the event under investigation, i.e.death.

*The concurrence method. Comparing the occurrence of events which took place atknown times with the time of occurrence of the event under investigation, i.e. death.

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?
Climate, the "size" of the body, clothing and coverings, movement and humidity of the air, Immersion in water.

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?
After the body cools, it begins to reach the environmental temperature.

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body?
Do they make a difference in the results?Well, maybe they do, because they are taken in very different ways, so there can be a possible change.

1 comentario:

Ing. Linda Licon dijo...

try to consider this info in your project... ok?